33 Design Labs

Prato's 33 Design Labs worldwide represent a bold and visionary initiative to create a global platform for design talent from diverse backgrounds. By establishing these labs in cities across the world, Prato aims to bring together designers with unique perspectives, cultural influences, and creative approaches. This diversity of talent fosters innovation, cross-cultural collaboration, and the exchange of ideas, leading to the creation of truly groundbreaking and transformative design solutions.

The importance of diversity in design talent cannot be overstated. It enriches the design process by incorporating different perspectives, experiences, and cultural nuances. When designers from various backgrounds come together, they bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and approaches that lead to more inclusive, innovative, and impactful design outcomes. The 33 design labs worldwide act as a melting pot of talent, facilitating the exchange of ideas and the exploration of new design territories.


Essence Design Lab

Motto: Unleashing the power of design.

Slogan: Where design finds its true essence.

Vision: To capture the essence of design by creating transformative and meaningful experiences that resonate with individuals and society.

Amsterdam is known for its vibrant creative scene and rich design heritage. The city is home to numerous design studios, galleries, and museums, making it a hub for innovation and artistic expression. Design-related activities in Amsterdam include the annual Dutch Design Week, where designers from around the world showcase their work. The city also hosts the renowned Amsterdam Fashion Week, attracting top fashion designers and industry professionals. Amsterdam's design industry thrives on its progressive and sustainable approach, embracing concepts like circular design and socially responsible practices.


Radiance Design Lab

Motto: Igniting the spark of design brilliance.

Slogan: Where radiance meets design.

Vision: To radiate creativity, innovation, and brilliance through design, illuminating the world with inspiring creations.

Athens is a city steeped in history and culture, providing a unique backdrop for design. The city has a burgeoning design scene with a focus on contemporary and experimental design. Athens Design Week is a major event that brings together designers, architects, and artists, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and lectures. The city's vibrant street art and urban design projects contribute to its creative atmosphere. Athens also serves as a gateway to Greek craftsmanship and traditional art forms, providing inspiration for designers and artisans alike.


Elysium Design Lab

Motto: Designing dreams into reality.

Slogan: Where design transcends to Elysium.

Vision: To create a design paradise where imagination takes flight, pushing the boundaries of possibility and beauty.

Bangkok is a bustling metropolis known for its dynamic blend of modernity and tradition. The city has a thriving design industry, with a particular emphasis on fashion and textile design. Bangkok International Fashion Week showcases the work of local and international designers, while the Bangkok Design Festival celebrates various design disciplines through exhibitions and workshops. The city's vibrant street markets and creative districts, such as Charoenkrung and Ari, provide platforms for emerging designers and artists to showcase their talents.


Luminary Design Lab

Motto: Shining the light on extraordinary design.

Slogan: Where luminosity meets innovation.

Vision: To be the guiding light of design, fostering brilliance, and illuminating the path to visionary creations.

Barcelona is renowned for its distinctive architecture and design heritage, notably influenced by the visionary architect Antoni Gaudí. The city is a melting pot of creativity, with a thriving design scene encompassing architecture, fashion, and product design. Barcelona Design Week is a prominent event that attracts designers and industry professionals from around the world. The city is also home to prestigious design institutions like Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering. Barcelona's design industry flourishes due to its fusion of Mediterranean influences, innovative design studios, and a vibrant artistic community. 


Enigma Design Lab

Motto: Decoding the enigma of design.

Slogan: Where design becomes an enigmatic journey.

Vision: To unravel the mysteries of design, forging unconventional and thought-provoking solutions that challenge the status quo.

Berlin is a dynamic city that has become a creative hub and a hotbed for artistic expression. The city's design scene embraces diverse disciplines, including graphic design, industrial design, and fashion. Berlin Design Week is a significant event that celebrates design in all its forms, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and discussions. The city's vibrant neighborhoods, such as Kreuzberg and Mitte, house numerous design studios and creative spaces. Berlin's design industry thrives on its experimental and avant-garde approach, attracting emerging designers and established creative professionals alike. 


Nexus Design Lab

Motto: Bridging the gaps through design.

Slogan: Where design intersects and connects.

Vision: To be the nexus of design, connecting ideas, cultures, and disciplines, fostering collaboration and synergy.

Budapest offers a unique blend of historical charm and contemporary design. The city has a growing design industry, with a focus on architecture, interior design, and traditional craftsmanship. Budapest Design Week showcases the work of local designers and hosts a range of design-related events. The city's vibrant cultural districts, like the Palace Quarter and District VII, house design studios, art galleries, and design shops. Budapest's design scene benefits from its juxtaposition of historic architecture and innovative design, creating a vibrant and inspiring atmosphere. 


Spectrum Design Lab

Motto: Designing a kaleidoscope of possibilities.

Slogan: Where design embraces the full spectrum.

Vision: To explore the vibrant spectrum of design, celebrating diversity, and unleashing the full spectrum of creativity.

Cairo is a city with a rich cultural heritage and a burgeoning design scene. The city's design industry spans various disciplines, including graphic design, interior design, and handicrafts. Cairo Design Week is a notable event that brings together designers and creatives to showcase their work and exchange ideas. The city's bustling markets, such as Khan el-Khalili, offer a glimpse into traditional crafts and artisanal skills. Cairo's design industry is influenced by its rich history, blending ancient traditions with contemporary design approaches. 


Harmony Design Lab

Motto: Designing harmony into existence.

Slogan: Where design finds its perfect harmony.

Vision: To harmonize design with nature, culture, and human well-being, creating balanced and harmonious environments.

Cancun is known for its stunning natural beauty and luxurious resorts. While primarily recognized as a tourist destination, Cancun has been increasingly embracing design and architecture. The city's design industry focuses on hospitality design, with renowned architects and interior designers creating breathtaking hotel and resort spaces. Cancun also hosts events like the Cancun Design Weekend, which showcases the intersection of design, art, and tourism. The city's tropical landscapes and coastal views provide inspiration for designers seeking to create immersive and sustainable experiences. 


Zenith Design Lab

Motto: Designing towards the pinnacle of greatness.

Slogan: Where design reaches its zenith.

Vision: To reach the zenith of design excellence, pushing the boundaries of innovation, and achieving design transcendence.

Doha, the capital of Qatar, has emerged as a vibrant center for art and design in the Middle East. The city's design industry encompasses architecture, urban planning, and interior design. The annual Doha Design Week celebrates the region's design talent and promotes cultural exchange. Doha's impressive architectural projects, such as the Museum of Islamic Art and the Qatar National Library, showcase innovative design and engineering. The city's rich cultural heritage, combined with its forward-thinking vision, positions Doha as an important hub for design in the region. 


Catalyst Design Lab

Motto: Sparking the power of design transformation.

Slogan: Where design becomes a catalytic force.

Vision: To be the catalyst for transformative design, igniting change, and propelling the world towards a better future.

Dubai is synonymous with visionary architecture and luxurious design. The city's design industry spans various sectors, including architecture, interior design, fashion, and product design. Dubai Design Week is a prominent event that showcases the work of local and international designers, while the Dubai Design District (d3) serves as a creative hub and home to numerous design studios. Dubai's skyline, characterized by iconic structures like the Burj Khalifa and Burj ul Arab reflects the city's commitment to groundbreaking design. The city's cosmopolitan atmosphere, rapid development, and strategic location make it a significant center for design and innovation. 

Hong Kong

Illuminate Design Lab

Motto: Illuminating the world through design brilliance.

Slogan: Where design shines its brightest light.

Vision: To illuminate the world with extraordinary design, shedding light on new perspectives, and creating captivating experiences.

Hong Kong is a bustling metropolis renowned for its fusion of Eastern and Western influences. The city has a thriving design industry, encompassing fashion, graphic design, and architecture. Hong Kong Design Week is a major event that showcases the work of local and international designers, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and forums. The city's vibrant neighborhoods, such as Central and Sheung Wan, house design studios, creative agencies, and art galleries. Hong Kong's design industry benefits from its cosmopolitan environment, entrepreneurial spirit, and strategic position as a gateway to Asia. 


Pristine Design Lab

Motto: Crafting design with pristine finesse.

Slogan: Where design achieves pristine perfection.

Vision: To create design masterpieces of pristine beauty and perfection, merging timeless elegance with modern innovation.

Istanbul serves as a vibrant crossroads between Europe and Asia, with a rich history and a diverse design scene. The city's design industry encompasses architecture, interior design, and traditional crafts such as ceramics and textiles. Istanbul Design Biennial, held every two years, brings together local and international designers to explore contemporary design issues. Istanbul's historic neighborhoods, like Beyoğlu and Kadıköy, house design studios, concept stores, and creative spaces. The city's unique cultural blend, architectural heritage, and craftsmanship traditions make it a significant hub for design in the region. 


Epiphany Design Lab

Motto: Designing moments of transformative epiphany.

Slogan: Where design sparks profound revelations.

Vision: To spark epiphanies through design, unveiling innovative and groundbreaking solutions that inspire and transform.

Johannesburg is a dynamic city that has emerged as a center for creativity and design in Africa. The city's design industry spans various disciplines, including fashion, jewelry design, and interior design. Design Joburg is a prominent event that showcases the best of South African and international design, featuring curated exhibitions and talks. Johannesburg's vibrant neighborhoods, such as Maboneng and Newtown, house design studios, art galleries, and creative hubs. The city's diverse cultural influences, entrepreneurial spirit, and artistic talent contribute to its growing reputation in the design industry. 


Vivid Design Lab

Motto: Design that breathes life into every creation.

Slogan: Where design comes alive with vivid brilliance.

Vision: To infuse design with vividness, vibrancy, and creative energy, bringing designs to life with unparalleled liveliness.

London is a global design capital known for its creative energy, innovation, and influential design institutions. The city's design industry encompasses fashion, architecture, graphic design, and more. London Design Festival is a highlight of the design calendar, featuring exhibitions, installations, and events throughout the city. London's design scene is centered around creative hubs like Shoreditch, Clerkenwell, and Brixton, where design studios, art galleries, and design-led businesses thrive. The city's historical landmarks, world-class museums, and multicultural vibe make it a magnet for designers, creatives, and design enthusiasts from around the world. 

Los Angeles

Endeavor Design Lab

Motto: Designing with relentless endeavor.

Slogan: Where design endeavors soar to new heights.

Vision: To embark on bold endeavors through design, pushing boundaries, and pursuing groundbreaking creations.

Los Angeles is a vibrant hub for design and creativity, known for its entertainment industry and diverse design scene. The city's design industry spans fashion, architecture, interior design, and more. LA Design Festival is a prominent event that celebrates design in all its forms, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and talks. Los Angeles' neighborhoods, including Downtown LA, Culver City, and Silver Lake, house design studios, art galleries, and design-focused shops. The city's laid-back lifestyle, multiculturalism, and proximity to the entertainment industry contribute to its unique design identity. 


Serenity Design Lab

Motto: Designing with serene elegance.

Slogan: Where design embraces serene tranquility.

Vision: To create design experiences that exude serenity, balance, and tranquility, providing solace in a chaotic world.

Milan is internationally recognized as a global design capital, particularly in the realms of fashion, furniture, and industrial design. The city hosts the renowned Milan Design Week, which includes the Salone del Mobile, showcasing the latest trends and innovations in design. Milan's design industry thrives on its strong tradition of craftsmanship, collaborations between designers and manufacturers, and the presence of prestigious design institutions like Politecnico di Milano. The city's elegant architecture, fashion heritage, and influential design events position it as a key player in the global design landscape. 


Synergy Design Lab

Motto: Designing with the power of synergy.

Slogan: Where design converges in perfect harmony.

Vision: To harness the power of synergy through design, blending diverse elements, and disciplines to create harmonious and impactful solutions.

Moscow blends a rich historical heritage with a contemporary design scene, making it an intriguing destination for designers. The city's design industry encompasses architecture, interior design, and fashion. Moscow Design Week is a notable event that showcases the work of local and international designers, featuring exhibitions and conferences. Moscow's creative neighborhoods, such as the Red October Art Cluster and Winzavod, house design studios, art galleries, and creative spaces. The city's architectural landmarks, diverse cultural influences, and growing appreciation for design contribute to its importance in the design industry. 


Empower Design Lab

Motto: Empowering lives through transformative design.

Slogan: Where design becomes a catalyst for empowerment.

Vision: To empower individuals and communities through design, creating solutions that uplift, inspire, and promote positive change.

Mumbai, often regarded as the commercial and entertainment capital of India, has a vibrant design industry that reflects the city's diverse culture and creativity. The city's design scene spans fashion, textile design, graphic design, and interior design. Lakme Fashion Week is a major event in the city, showcasing the work of both established and emerging fashion designers. Mumbai's bustling neighborhoods, such as Bandra and Lower Parel, house design studios, concept stores, and art galleries. The city's blend of traditional craftsmanship, Bollywood influence, and contemporary design sensibilities make it a significant hub for design in India. 

New York

Ethereal Design Lab

Motto: Designing dreams into ethereal existence.

Slogan: Where design becomes ethereal enchantment.

Vision: To create ethereal and enchanting design experiences that transcend reality, transporting individuals to magical realms.

New York City is a global design powerhouse and a melting pot of creativity, attracting designers from all disciplines. The city's design industry encompasses fashion, graphic design, architecture, and more. New York Fashion Week is one of the most prominent fashion events in the world, featuring runway shows and presentations by renowned designers. New York's neighborhoods, such as SoHo, Chelsea, and Williamsburg, are home to design studios, art galleries, and design-focused retailers. The city's iconic landmarks, diverse communities, and thriving creative energy solidify its position as a design capital. 


Equinox Design Lab

Motto: Striking the perfect design balance.

Slogan: Where design reaches the equinox of perfection.

Vision: To achieve the perfect equilibrium of design, blending elegance, innovation, and timeless beauty in harmonious creations.

Paris is synonymous with elegance, style, and unparalleled design. The city's design industry is renowned for its fashion houses, luxury brands, and influential designers. Paris Fashion Week, held twice a year, showcases the latest collections of established and emerging fashion designers. Paris' design scene extends beyond fashion, with a strong focus on architecture, interior design, and graphic design. The city's arrondissements, particularly Le Marais and Saint-Germain-des-Prés, house design studios, art galleries, and design-driven boutiques. Paris' historical landmarks, cultural heritage, and influential design institutions make it an epicenter of global design. 


Apex Design Lab

Motto: Designing towards the pinnacle of greatness.

Slogan: Where design ascends to its apex.

Vision: To reach the apex of design excellence, pushing boundaries, and setting new standards of creativity and innovation.

Prague is a city of architectural splendor and a rising star in the design world. The city's design industry embraces various disciplines, including graphic design, product design, and glass art. Designblok, Prague's design and fashion week, showcases the work of local and international designers, providing a platform for creative exchange. Prague's picturesque neighborhoods, such as Malá Strana and Žižkov, house design studios, art galleries, and design shops. The city's rich artistic traditions, Bohemian glass heritage, and historical backdrop contribute to its allure for designers and design enthusiasts. 


Innovate Design Lab

Motto: Designing the future through innovation.

Slogan: Where design pioneers the path of innovation.

Vision: To be at the forefront of design innovation, pushing boundaries, and challenging conventions with groundbreaking creations.

Rio de Janeiro is a city known for its vibrant culture, natural beauty, and creative spirit. The city's design industry encompasses fashion, architecture, and product design. Rio Design Week is a major event that celebrates design, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and talks. Rio's neighborhoods, such as Ipanema and Santa Teresa, house design studios, art galleries, and creative hubs. The city's iconic landmarks, including Christ the Redeemer and Copacabana Beach, provide inspiration for designers, reflecting the fusion of urban and natural elements in their work. Rio's dynamic cultural scene and passion for design contribute to its significance in the design industry. 


Astral Design Lab

Motto: Designing the astral dimensions.

Slogan: Where design ascends to celestial realms.

Vision: To explore celestial realms through design, transcending boundaries, and creating captivating designs that transport individuals to otherworldly experiences.

Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia, is emerging as a design destination with its growing design industry and creative initiatives. The city's design scene encompasses various disciplines, including architecture, interior design, and fashion. Riyadh Design Week is a notable event that showcases local and international designers, featuring exhibitions, workshops, and panel discussions. Riyadh's cultural and artistic districts, such as Al-Bujairi and Ad Diriyah, house design studios, art galleries, and creative spaces. The city's rich cultural heritage, rapid urban development, and increasing focus on design make it an important center for creativity and innovation. 


Aspire Design Lab

Motto: Inspiring through visionary design.

Slogan: Where design fuels boundless aspirations.

Vision: To inspire and ignite aspirations through design, creating solutions that empower individuals to achieve their dreams.

Seoul is a dynamic city known for its technological advancements and cutting-edge design. The city's design industry spans various sectors, including fashion, graphic design, and industrial design. Seoul Fashion Week is a prominent event that showcases the work of emerging and established Korean designers. Seoul's neighborhoods, such as Hongdae and Garosu-gil, house design studios, concept stores, and art galleries. The city's innovative architecture, futuristic cityscape, and deep-rooted design culture contribute to its significance in the global design arena. 


Momentum Design Lab

Motto: Designing with unwavering momentum.

Slogan: Where design gathers unstoppable force.

Vision: To propel design forward with unstoppable momentum, driving innovation, and shaping the future of design.

Shanghai is a cosmopolitan city at the forefront of China's design industry. The city's design scene encompasses fashion, architecture, graphic design, and more. Shanghai Fashion Week is a major event that attracts top designers and industry professionals from around the world. Shanghai's neighborhoods, such as Xintiandi and Jing'an, house design studios, art galleries, and design-driven retail spaces. The city's blend of traditional Chinese elements and modern influences, coupled with its rapid urban development, positions it as a vital hub for design and innovation. 


Fusion Design Lab

Motto: Designing fusion with artistic finesse.

Slogan: Where design fuses cultures into extraordinary creations.

Vision: To fuse diverse elements and cultures into captivating design creations that bridge gaps and inspire unity.

Singapore is a design-forward city known for its sleek architecture, sustainable design practices, and vibrant creative scene. The city's design industry spans various sectors, including fashion, industrial design, and urban planning. Singapore Design Week is a significant event that showcases the work of local and international designers, featuring exhibitions, conferences, and workshops. Singapore's design precincts, such as Tiong Bahru and Haji Lane, house design studios, concept stores, and art galleries. The city's strategic location, emphasis on sustainability, and government support for design initiatives make it a prominent player in the design industry. 


Renaissance Design Lab

Motto: Reviving the essence of design renaissance.

Slogan: Where design finds its renaissance.

Vision: To embody the spirit of design renaissance, blending tradition and modernity to create designs of enduring beauty and significance.

Stockholm is a design-centric city renowned for its Scandinavian design aesthetic and innovative approach to sustainability. The city's design industry encompasses fashion, furniture design, and graphic design. Stockholm Design Week is a major event that showcases the latest trends and innovations in Scandinavian design. Stockholm's neighborhoods, such as Södermalm and Östermalm, house design studios, art galleries, and design-focused boutiques. The city's emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and eco-consciousness, coupled with its thriving creative community, contribute to its importance in the global design landscape. 


Inspire Design Lab

Motto: Inspiring through extraordinary design.

Slogan: Where design becomes a catalyst for inspiration.

Vision: To ignite inspiration and creativity through design, creating solutions that spark imagination and leave a lasting impact.

Sydney is a city known for its stunning harbor, iconic architecture, and vibrant design scene. The city's design industry spans various disciplines, including fashion, interior design, and graphic design. Sydney Design Festival is a major event that celebrates design in all its forms, featuring exhibitions, talks, and workshops. Sydney's neighborhoods, such as Surry Hills and Newtown, house design studios, art galleries, and design-focused retail spaces. The city's multiculturalism, outdoor lifestyle, and commitment to sustainable design make it a significant player in the design industry. 


Evolve Design Lab

Motto: Designing evolution with visionary progress.

Slogan: Where design evolves into the extraordinary.

Vision: To continuously evolve and push the boundaries of design, embracing change and innovation to shape the future of design.

Tokyo is a global design capital renowned for its innovation, technology, and distinctive design sensibility. The city's design industry encompasses fashion, product design, and architecture. Tokyo Fashion Week is a major event that showcases the work of both established and emerging designers. Tokyo's neighborhoods, such as Shibuya and Omotesando, house design studios, concept stores, and avant-garde fashion boutiques. The city's futuristic cityscape, unique street style, and fusion of traditional and modern influences contribute to its allure for designers and design enthusiasts. 


Lumiere Design Lab

Motto: Illuminating the world with design excellence.

Slogan: Where design shines its radiant light.

Vision: To illuminate the world with design brilliance, creating designs that captivate and inspire with their radiant beauty.

Toronto is a multicultural city with a thriving design scene and a strong focus on inclusivity and sustainability. The city's design industry spans various sectors, including fashion, graphic design, and architecture. Toronto Design Week is a significant event that celebrates design, featuring exhibitions, installations, and talks. Toronto's neighborhoods, such as Queen West and Distillery District, house design studios, art galleries, and creative spaces. The city's diverse communities, forward-thinking design approach, and commitment to social and environmental responsibility make it an important hub for design in North America. 


Paragon Design Lab

Motto: Designing with unrivaled excellence.

Slogan: Where design achieves paragon status.

Vision: To be the epitome of design excellence, setting the highest standards and creating designs of unparalleled distinction.

Vancouver is a city known for its natural beauty, thriving arts scene, and sustainable design practices. The city's design industry encompasses architecture, interior design, and fashion. Vancouver Fashion Week is a notable event that showcases the work of local and international designers. Vancouver's neighborhoods, such as Gastown and Mount Pleasant, house design studios, art galleries, and design-driven retail spaces. The city's breathtaking landscapes, commitment to green design, and fusion of indigenous and contemporary influences contribute to its significance in the design industry. 


Celestial Design Lab

Motto: Designing with celestial grace.

Slogan: Where design embodies celestial enchantment.

Vision: To create designs that evoke the celestial realms, infusing beauty, elegance, and awe-inspiring qualities into every creation.

Vienna is a city with a rich cultural heritage and a thriving design scene that reflects its historical grandeur and contemporary spirit. The city's design industry spans various disciplines, including architecture, product design, and graphic design. Vienna Design Week is a major event that celebrates design, featuring exhibitions, installations, and workshops. Vienna's neighborhoods, such as Neubau and Leopoldstadt, house design studios, art galleries, and design-driven boutiques. The city's architectural landmarks, coffeehouse culture, and commitment to design excellence contribute to its importance in the global design landscape. 


Vanguard Design Lab

Motto: Designing the future through vanguard innovation.

Slogan: Where design leads the vanguard of creativity.

Vision: To be at the forefront of design innovation, pioneering new ideas, and challenging conventions with groundbreaking creations.

Warsaw is a city that blends its resilient history with a dynamic and rapidly evolving design scene. The city's design industry encompasses architecture, interior design, and fashion. Warsaw Design Week is a notable event that showcases the work of local and international designers, featuring exhibitions and workshops. Warsaw's neighborhoods, such as Praga and Powiśle, house design studios, art galleries, and creative spaces. The city's juxtaposition of reconstructed historic landmarks and contemporary architecture, coupled with its growing creative community, positions it as an emerging center for design and innovation. 

The monthly meetings of designers from all 33 design labs serve as a catalyst for knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration. These gatherings provide a forum for designers to discuss industry trends, share insights, and learn from one another. By fostering a sense of camaraderie and community, Prato encourages designers to push the boundaries of their creativity, challenge conventional design norms, and create products that transcend geographical and cultural boundaries.

By creating a single platform for designers from around the globe, Prato promotes unity, peace, and harmony through the universal language of fashion and design. It celebrates the power of creativity to transcend boundaries, bridge differences, and foster understanding among people of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Through their collective efforts, Prato's designers aspire to create a world where design serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and societies alike.


House of Design
Casa Prato 59100
City of Prato,
Province of Prato,
Tuscany Region, Italy

Corporate HQ
Bahnhofstrasse 100
8001 Zürich


Design Houses