OPEN letter

We hope this letter finds you well and filled with creativity. We are thrilled to extend this offer to you on behalf of Prato: House of Design, a revolutionary design house that seeks to transform the fashion and design industry for the better. We have been following your remarkable work closely and believe that your talent and vision align perfectly with our mission.

At Prato, we are committed to fostering a collaborative and equitable environment for designers worldwide. We understand the challenges that designers face in the industry, where their hard work often goes unrecognized, and the benefits disproportionately flow to corporate giants. It is time for change, and Prato is here to lead the way.

As part of our commitment to your success, we offer you an unprecedented opportunity. For every product or design you create or collaborate on with Prato, you will receive 50% of the profits generated from the sales of those products and services. We firmly believe that your creativity and dedication should be rewarded and that you deserve to reap the benefits of your incredible work.

Moreover, we understand the importance of being close to home and loved ones. Therefore, we are pleased to provide you with space in one of our 33 design labs worldwide, whichever is closest to your hometown city. We want you to have the comfort and support of your surroundings while being part of the Prato family.

Rest assured that Prato will provide all the necessary infrastructure, materials, and technology for you to bring your design visions to life. We will also cover the funding required for manufacturing these products, ensuring that financial constraints never hinder your creativity.

We believe in empowering our designers to reach their fullest potential. Therefore, once any of the products you personally create generate more than 1 million dollars in annual sales for three consecutive years, Prato will create a new brand under the Prato design umbrella dedicated to your exceptional talent. You will own 50% of this new venture, similar to a startup, and together we will embark on a journey of success and entrepreneurship.

At Prato, we value partnership over employment. You will be a true partner, not an employee or a corporate slave. We reject the exploitative practices prevalent in the industry and are determined to create an environment where designers can thrive and have a meaningful stake in the organization.

We are deeply concerned about the unethical practices that plague the fashion industry, including the exploitation of child labor and the disregard for human rights in the supply chains of certain mega brands. Prato is committed to ensuring that no child labor is ever used, and we only source sustainable materials for all our products. Our high standards of ethical business practices set us apart from the rest of the industry.

Prato is not just another design house; it is a movement to revolutionize the fashion and design industry. We recognize the flaws in the current system and are dedicated to fixing them. From the use of unhealthy body standards to the perpetuation of unrealistic beauty ideals, we believe in embracing diversity and promoting positive body image. We will never work with skinny models who perpetuate harmful standards of beauty. At Prato, we celebrate every form of beauty, including plus-size bodies. We believe that everyone is beautiful in their unique way, and it is our mission to embrace and empower that beauty.

As we embark on this journey, we want to assure you that your voice matters. If you have any creative ideas on how we can change the industry, solve major problems, or improve the sector while promoting sustainable fashion and design, we encourage you to reach out to us. We will ensure that your voice is heard on global media platforms, amplifying your ideas and contributions to the world.

If you are as excited about this opportunity as we are, we invite you to join us at Prato: House of Design.

Please contact us by email at
and our team will be thrilled to welcome you into our creative family.

Together, we can reshape the fashion and design industry and create a future where designers are valued, creativity is celebrated, and sustainable practices are the norm. We look forward to the incredible journey ahead with you by our side.


House of Design
Casa Prato 59100
City of Prato,
Province of Prato,
Tuscany Region, Italy

Corporate HQ
Bahnhofstrasse 100
8001 Zürich


Design Houses